Why Every Canadian Fleet Should be Outfitted With APU’s

As the air grows brisky, truck drivers are among the many professionals in the process of preparing to operate efficiently throughout the season.

From mapping modified routes to spending more time on the road, it’s no secret that the last quarter of the year comes with more responsibilities for drivers and fleet managers alike. In fact, preparation begins long before a driver even gets into the cab.

As you continue to go over the finishing touches of your list of wintertime adjustments, there’s one more item that you should be putting in place: an auxiliary power unit (APU).

What does an APU do for your truck?

An auxiliary power unit, also known as an APU, is a technology used for keeping the air or heat in a cabin maintained at optimal rates. Using a small, efficient motor installed behind a sleeper cab, this piece of technology puts out the needed amount of power to keep a truck’s HVAC system running.

These devices are a crucial solution for truckers in Windsor, Niagara, Ottawa, and surrounding ideas because they allow all the electronics in a cabin to keep moving without burning too much fuel. In turn, an auxiliary power unit acts as a power supply so that truckers can rest during their downtime without using too much gas.

Why Every Canadian Fleet Should Be Equipped With APUs

When your drivers are required to complete a trip or reach a job site that is more than a few hours away, an APU is incredibly important. During the cold season, their absence is particularly noteworthy as drivers won’t be able to rest comfortably. Aside from driver comfort, though, there are two key benefits every fleet or logistics manager should consider:

Benefit #1: Fuel Cost Savings

When it comes to cost savings, APUs can yield results every time because of how well the devices minimize the amount of fuel a truck expends.

Instead of merely keeping the engine running so that all the other electrical components of a cabin work as they should, a separate auxiliary power unit takes over and powers everything without idling a truck. Once you have a battery-powered or diesel-based APU in place, you’ll quickly realize significant savings over reduced fuel usage!

Benefit #2: Reduced Load on Each Truck’s HVAC System

Relying on an engine to keep a truck powered even while a driver isn’t on the road can lead to an overuse of its HVAC components.

If your drivers have been using your engine on idle to keep the temperature comfortable all throughout the year, then you’re at risk of incurring costly repairs and more frequent maintenance requirements for your fleet. Thankfully, having an APU in place means that you won’t need to call Simplicity Air to service your mobile HVAC unit more than you should!


Although you may probably have a handful of different things to worry about when preparing your trucks for the coldest time of the year, it’s also a great idea to have your fleet outfitted with APUs. After doing so, you’ll start seeing an abundance of benefits in no time.

Are you in need of auxiliary power units in Ontario to complete your truck’s roster of heavy-duty HVAC parts and mobile fleet servicing-related needs? Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our team of experts can best suit your needs!

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Why Every Canadian Fleet Should be Outfitted With APU’s