E-BREEZE Pro Plus (89171450-2) Quote Request

E-BREEZE Pro Plus (89171450-2)
The innovative E-BREEZE Pro Plus (89171450-2) engine-off air conditioning through your existing vehicle vents. To achieve this, the E-BREEZE Pro Plus utilizes a Brushless Motor and Variable Displacement Compressor to deliver over 12,000 BTUH of high-capacity output while at the same time reducing energy use and maximizing efficiency. Two 92AH batteries provide the power core to keep you comfortable within whatever extreme temperatures you work in, and the system’s oil compatibility offers seamless integration into your existing R134a and R1234YF systems, saving you time and maintenance costs.
Download the 89171450-2 Product Information PDF
Learn more about the E-BREEZE Pro Plus (89171450-2) through our product Sell Sheet: